The “Eight Questions” column will appear regularly at Minimate Headquarters. In it I interview minimate customizers and other fans of minimates. This interview is with
Shamrock, maker of the Soul Calibur 2's Nightmare pictured here.
1. Which was the first Minimate you ever purchased?
Series 1 Hulk & Bruce Banner
2. What is the average length of time in hours does it take for you to make a custom minimate?
I've never really counted. Usually it varies a lot between how intricate the paint app. is, and how much sculpting is involved. I'll just say 24 hours, because I've never done 2 customs in one day, and my sculpting compound takes a day to dry.
3. Of the minimates you’ve made, which custom is your absolute favorite?
Soul Calibur 2's Nightmare. He's the first one I made, so it holds a special place in my heart. Now I just have to make that bloody sword for him.
4. How much money do you think the average custom minimate is worth?Well, I've seen some go for over $100. I just think that's crazy, but I bet the customizer isn't complaining. I would only charge the cost of the Minimate used, any cost of paint or supplies that I had to buy specifically for the custom, and a bit for hours spent working on it. That really didn't answer the question, but I've never sold or bought a custom before, so I don't really have any idea.
5. Do you own a Gold Spidey?Oh yeah, tons of them. I just painted them all red and blue, one is even half Gold-SpiderMan and half Peter Parker........ Ok fine, no, I don't.
6. If all of the Marvel Minimates fought all of the DC Minimates, who would win and why?
I was going to say the upcoming Galactus, because of the whole planet eating thing, but he can't move. So all of the Wolverines would probably melt together to form Mecha-Wolverine, and it would be him and Mecha-Batman locked in a battle to last until the end of time. Actually it would probably be Mary Jane who would come out victorious. I feel that there's no need to say why.
7. What is your best trick or secret for customizing minimates?
Don't hand paint them, it just gets annoying. Use decals, you'll go insane less. I mean really, look at my answer for the fight question. You can tell I've hand painted way too many Minimates.
8. White Queen or Catwoman?Both, duh. Did I mention hand painting Minimates will make you give silly predictable answers?