Sunday, December 11, 2005

Tragedy at the Minimate Institute of Research!

Tragedy struck the Minimate Institute of Research (M.I.R.) today. Dr. Reed Richards, one of the lead scientists at the Institute, breathlessly explained, “Dr. Banner and I were testing a new theory regarding Minimate-ivity. It all happened so fast! Our test subject, JP1000, was slowly basting in a tasty hickory meat sauce when it happened.”

Dr. Banner continued, “All of a sudden, JP1000 was snatched out of the pan by what appears to be a giant Canis Lupus Familiaris. It ran off, and we have no idea where it went.”

“Fear not,” assured Dr. Richards. “If JP1000 survives the chewing and gnashing, he will certainly return to us in twenty-four hours with a tale about a truly fantastic voyage.”


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