Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Evil Brotherhood Masters Legion of Mordor Mafioso Doom

Minimate villains today announced the creation of the ultimate super villain group. Called the Evil Brotherhood Masters Legion of Mordor Mafioso Doom (or EBMLMMD for short), the group represents the largest gathering of evil-doers ever assembled.

Dr. Doom commented, “Minimate Headquarters will be crushed by the awesome force of the Evil Brotherhood Masters Legion of Mordor Mafioso Doom! The universe will fall to me and it will finally be ruled by my iron fist!”

The Joker added, “The Evil Brotherhood Masters Legion of Mordor Mafioso Doom will crush its enemies. And once that Bat-fool is out of the way, all will be mine!”

“The Ring. I shall soon have the Ring,” intoned Sauron. “I shall rule them all.”

“What are you idiots saying?” growled the Green Goblin. “I thought I was in charge here?”

“You? You’re no leader. I’m the leader,” shouted the Leader.

“Stop bickering you fools,” admonished Magneto. “You have a mission to do.”

“Stop trying to tell us what to do, you old goat,” warned Rhino. “I’m sick and tired of taking orders from you.”

At this point, the presentation devolved into a mindless shouting and shoving match.


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