Monday, December 05, 2005

Eight Questions with Logan

The “Eight Questions” column will appear regularly at Minimate Headquarters. In it I interview minimate customizers and other fans of minimates. This interview is with Logan from Canada.

1. Which was the first Minimate you ever purchased?
The first one was an Ultimate Wolverine/Ultimate Cyclops CDN 2-Pk.

2. What is the average length of time in hours does it take for you to make a custom minimate?
It depends on how much painting etc. is required.

3. Of the minimates you’ve made, which custom is your absolute favorite?
I would have to say the one that I'm working on right now. Can't tell though. You'll just have to wait and see!

4. How much money do you think the average custom minimate is worth?
Same answer as #2. It all depends on that. But on average, I'd say anywherebetween $15 to $45.

5. Do you own a Gold Spidey?
No, and I don't want one. I want a Silver Spidey!

6. If all of the Marvel Minimates fought all of the DC Minimates, who would win and why?
I would say Marvel. Strength in numbers.... and there is way more Marvel than DC.

7. What is your best trick or secret for customizing minimates?
Finding source art to base it off of.

8. White Queen or Catwoman?
Catwoman. Why? Ever read the "Hush" storyline hehehe


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