Eight Questions With Minijeff
The “Eight Questions” column appears regularly at Minimate Headquarters. In it I interview minimate customizers and other fans of minimates. This interview is with Minijeff, maker of the custom Greenarrow pictured here.
1. Of all the Minimates released in 2005, which one is your favorite?
Just one? I was overall impressed with the releases of 2005, even with re-used parts for some, I can understand the $ aspect of that.....if I had to pick one I would fight it down between Thanos, Dark Phoenix and the Ben Rielly Spidey....I would say Ben Rielly because he looks sooo nice for such a simple design.
2. What is your best trick or secret for customizing Minimates?
Find parts that are close to what your making, its easier then having to paint/sharpie them
3. Which two Minimates from the Custom Gallery would be the most fun to watch fight each other?
The Giant foam Sentinel vs the X-men
4. If you could add anything to Minimate Headquarters, what would it be?
I honestly would change anything, frequent news, awsome webcomic, these questions, spotlight on missing mates, great links...its all there
5. If a toy company in a Third World country started manufacturing bootleg Star Wars Minimates and selling them online, would you buy any?
If they looked like the characters they were supossed to be I would have a hard time not buying them....2 inch scale?
6. Which custom or custom design would be the most challenging for anyone to do?
I dont think there is such a thing with all the awsome customizers out there, seriously if one cant there are several that can and will make it....I would like to see the cast of the Starman comic with Jack Knight...I gave Jack a spin but I would like to see some of the big customizers take on those characters...the hawaiian shirt has me stumped
7. Do you own a C3 Batcopter?
Oh I sure do!! I ordered all of that new C3 stuff as soon as Previews had it offered...I love that set, reminds me of the old Super Powers Batcopter...ahh the memories
8. Ryu or Apollo?
Ryu all the way!
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