Monday, February 27, 2006

Eight Questions With TENIME_art

The “Eight Questions” column appears regularly at Minimate Headquarters. In it I interview minimate customizers and other fans of minimates. This interview is with TENIME_art, maker of the custom Superboy pictured here.

1. Of all the Minimates released in 2005, which one is your favorite?
Torch (w/Mr. Fantastic).

2. What is your best trick or secret for customizing Minimates?
Reusing parts maintains joint articulation & a more authentic-looking paint job.

3. Which two Minimates from the Custom Gallery would be the most fun to watch fight each other?
ThatBlokeTimbo's (gra007's designed) Anakin Skywalker vs. Luke314pi's Onsalught! Throw Mini-Myte's Taskmaster in there for extra chaos!

4. If you could add anything to Minimate Headquarters, what would it be?
I'll have to check it out first...

5. If a toy company in a Third World country started manufacturing bootleg Star Wars Minimates and selling them online, would you buy any?
If they looked & were produced just as good as DST's? I'm afraid I'd have to say yes!

6. Which custom or custom design would be the most challenging for anyone to do?
An anatomically-accurate four-armed General Grievous. Although, if Luke314pi can pull of The Brood...

7. Do you own a C3 Batcopter?
No, unfortunately. I'm caught up on Marvel (except Black Elektra), but I'm so far behind on DC/C3...

8. Ryu or Apollo?
Ryu from Street Fighter or Apollo from Battlestar Galactica? Ryu, hands down.


At 7:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

TENIME is one cool dude. :)

At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol you're just saying that cos he mentioned you....

Oh..erm.. yeah.. well that's why I'm here too! :P


At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry TENIME, I would get the Star Wars Bootiegs too.


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