Sunday, January 08, 2006

Gandalf Asks JP1000 to Retrieve Spring

Appearing as a ghostly specter, Gandalf today asked JP1000 for assistance to free Minimate Headquarters. With the heroes locked inside a metal cage by the evil Magneto, Gandalf explained that only a unique spring could pop open the lock.

"You have got to be kidding," exclaimed the shocked JP1000. "You want me to free everyone so your sicko scientists can do more torture experiments on me? Forget it!"

"You must go to the Blue Candle," commanded Gandalf. "There you will find the spring. The one spring to free us all!"

JP1000 laughed. "Forget it buddy. As far as I'm concerned, you guys belong behind bars."

"You are our only hope," Gandalf said with desperation. "We won't last much longer in here. Wolverine has terrible BO, and the Silver Surfer just lost a contact lens. Please get that spring and free us."

"Nope. No way. Not a chance," said JP1000. "I've been drowned, electrocuted, chopped, eaten, digested, and frozen by your crazy scientists. And I don't have to put up with it anymore."


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